in drawing from childhood, I had my first watercolour lessons with Gilbert
Foster in the mid-60s but for about 30 years I did little other than drawings
for the Castlemaine Naturalist.
enjoy sketching, especially people and animals.
1998-99 I studied drawing and watercolour with Catherine Tait, and in 2000-01
with Brian Harding, where we mostly worked en plein-air.I took part in a number of Grafton
Artsfest Workshops with several of Australia’s top Watercolourists. In 2012 and
‘13 I completed very successful plein-air Workshops in Araluen, NSW,
with Terry Jarvis.
My main aim is to share the atmosphere and
enjoyment I get from a subject, and I feel there’s enough gloom in the world
without me adding to it through my art. Watercolour is still my favourite, and I
tend to concentrate in getting the best I can from the medium.